Thursday, August 31, 2006
OKK! TIME FOR A LONG POST XDD. yo man. today i went to school then raining.. so no walk the 2.4km >_>.. then go up the classroom say SYLVESTER =DD. WOOTX. HURRAY FOR YJ XDD. yay then slack in class for like 1 hour. talk alot of crap things lol. then in the end everyone go play with handphones >_>.. then recess =DD. then eat. after that we went to the hall for performance.. to see performance*the first show is done by 2o4.. its meant to be rhythmic? or its meant to be so messed up lol. then colin forgot his line rofl. then the second is skit, done by 2o3.. same time hilarious but also insulting.. but they did apologize? so aiya take it easy.. then later got another skit. its like so sexaye O_O.. but aiya meaningful also. i guess >_< THEN THE DANCE SOCIETY DANCE. quite nice =D. then the bois got the huo yuan jia song. the moves like not synch one. then just now also got joyce sing. maybe she is lips synching. who knows =D.
WOOHOO. SCHOOL FASHION SHOW BY NEW TEACHERS. ITS LIKE SO ROFL LA. Mr Ling become pai kia. then ALDEN TEO BECOME O.O.. then miss wong also O.O... wa. >_>.. great show man. dismiss~ dismiss~. then i called eman ask him where r they. THEY REACHED LIAO WTF. then freddy also reached liao. THEN we [xinzhi craigven ian me] quickly rush to the bus stop.. saw klinsen isaac and all those people.. want take taxi de but take bus. 40 MINUTES FOR THE BUS. WTF. 40??!! THEN the whole bunch of people all waitin for us.. then thee security guard dont let me in. i wan go in he bang the gate shut wtf. zzz. then we wait for people come out =DD then alot of people la. jing sheng. freddy yuxin sherie eman zy betty vicky TING YONG LOL. yi zhang genghis zhiyi bao yue lol first one to recognize >"<.. then sharlyn all those. ALOT OF PEOPLE JIU SHI LER. then all of them went KING ALBERT MAC =DD. EAT YAY... then xinzhi and i eat the meal then talk with the others. then we went to tohyi. near vicky's house. we arrive liao then sit.. lol xinzhi gf call then we keep interrupting rofl. then he say duwan call le. alot of ppl kaypo lol. then for 1 hour we keep saying lame jokes then xz very sian.. CRAIGVEN WTF LOL. talk until so funny la. tingyong also. after that alot of people leave.. then xinzhi also >_>.. then we played cards. blackjack then BANLUT YAY. no money one lol. liang tiong arrived.. with his PSP. OMG. WTF MAN. I WAS LIKE O__O...
ok nvm.. then go coffeeshop 5+ liao. then eat then go 7-11. XDD. went to vicky house.. so nearby outside. then sit there listen jokes ^^. then we play alot of games la. take alot of pictures too ^^. then zhiyi keep snapping lol. then i also take pictures in the hp.. SIAN LA I NO THE WIRE TO TRANSFER PHOTO.. IF NOT I TEANSFER OVER LIAO ZZZZzz.. quite a number la. then they all play the game. 4 person. 2 person paper scissors stone. then the other 2 stand with the legs infront. if lose the scissors paper stoen then one person mov e back then must stretch leg. then when u cant stretch anymore u lose lol. then i play within like so fast i lost = =.. legs too fat rofl.
THEN YAY. THX VICKY AND HER FATHER =D. we got SATAY WOO.. lol then eat satay then talk jokes. ting yong numba one joker man. xDD. then later bring refreshments. then drink and eat and talk.. eman craigven ting yong frederick zhiyi sherie vicky and me. lol.7.10pm liao lo. so late = =.. then we went home lol. took 157 =D. then talk about pri sku stuff in the bus with frederick and sherie. then i alight. then i went home =D. then here i am blogging XDD.
okay le la. end of today story ^^.. XDD
being with friends is one of the blissful moments in life.
dont forget that ;)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
LIGHT BULBS =D. first 2 period about lightbulbs. lol General Science. the period not boring one lo not like the other chemistry one. see alreadi can sleep. but dont dare.. = =.. must jump 2 times run one time jump again then go back = =.. once bitten twice shy omg. lol then after that is geography.. THE FIRST POWERPOINT TOOK UP LIKE 25 MINUTES? then my group present. i wan just click all the way lo. RECESS LE. WTF. = =..
after that is lit. then do the group stuff lol. drawing =D. then chinese.. YES TEACHER FINALLY IMPLEMENTED STRICT RULES. WOOTS. then later is ms sathi period.. then talk about .. ==? wtf? 2/8 boys say 2/6 girls and make them cry - -?? i mean wtf la. we like 24/7 around leon xinzhi and yijie why we dint hear them criticise? sorry la my ear still in good condition.. sian.
wa lol. then went with yijie eat ice kachang. then got one guy ask us type a message in chinese. lol used up 15 mins. but can la.
then i went home = =.. 4++. i on the com then i lie on the bed. I SLEEP TILL 8++ O__O.. wa lao eh.. so tired lol.
hais can le la. i blog until here =DD.
please la. you so protective of your fucking blog then protect la. whine so much. u keep thinking u dam lousy. dam shit. dam hate. did u even listen to cyber awareness? hate sites? u la. wtf. change la if the class hate you, they will alreadi SHOWED that they hate you. they dint. so stop thinking you r hated. and stop hating. love man. = =..
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
LOL today so funny la. the first two period like lol CD? then talk about cyber awareness rofl. cyber bully LOL. YIJIE =D LEON =D POHHLE =D XINZHI=D all cyber bullies. bully me somemore la bully - -.. own me lol. bully and own me. bitched =D. cyber awareness, hate sites? LOL? teach you how to hate wtf. teach you how to make bombs. TING CHEN!!!1. teach you how to make MENTOS/COKE BOMBS =DDDDD. yay for that point. fun.
first ms wong found one guy.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then link.. then reach us 2o8. YAY. budden sad la. yijun blog must delete. NOOOO rofl. yay. finally ppl decided to revamp blog! peixuan =D mysmile- songko D=
-makelovenotwar- xinyi =P mylife-myfreedom. woa so nice. AND POKAI !!111
Last message received at 10.38 PM on 8/29/2006.
then after CD is pe. Play in the field, th special. lol then the same boring lessons... zzZZ.
XINZHI BROKE LOL! then lend him money buy stuff to eat lol. broke.. rofl =DD tmr dont go school beat me hor. i scared one.
then after school another chem remake lesson. then take photo with posh grace and syanni lol then help people take photo LOL. the camera take alreadi i also duno == .. no sound one so high tech sia. speak good english campaign. million smile campaign.
"you thailand land of dao deng smile we SG land of 4 mirrion smile le cb! we still have 1mirrion haven smile. the potong pasir and "forgot". we reserve smile. LIMPEI SMILE YOU DARE WALK AWAY????"
ok lol.. then xinzhi and yijun copy in school. they hungry la. dint even go and eat lol. then later yijie barry go leon house. take taxi then i continue to my house lol.
then see blog blog. see time. play com. then play dota. lol then now!!!111..
hmm, leon decided to force me to blog about him. hmm..
leon is a hmm.. dark. tanned. hmm. WCG playa WOA!. [World Cyber Game] WOA WOA WOA!111. sian la. lol from 2005 till 2006. so many things change. 2o8 seems so good now la. like family liddat lol. hais. must say good things bout him. he is a good playa. good friend. loyal. easily attentioned. easily bullied =D by girls LOL. okok fear not. ur girl to protect u. no nid fear.
rawr. ok end of todays story lol
Sunday, August 27, 2006
lol today so sian la. sleep and sleep. wake up at 8am. then look at clock, aiya sian la so early. go back sleep. 2pm wake up = =... ok shit i miss my breakfast. then go make meepok =D so nice.
then for the whole afternoon i dunno what i doing.. i went out then come back. 20 minutes lol. i actually want go westmall movie then i decided not to. cause aiya so sian. go back home better. then reach home liao also nth to do == ... then go read comics. read until 4pm =DDD then go nap 1 hour. then play computer lol. hais. so sian la, no outing etc one. wish that the chalet is a success. GOGO 2o8! =D. rawr.. RAWR feel my wrath.
lol i typing this at 10.43pm eating the what 麻酥饼 forgot liao. inside got orange one so nice lol. aiys. OK eugene poh ask me blog about him muahaha. feel my evil.
Pohhle aka Poh Hee Liang Eugene is a good guy, nice hair, nice braces, nice - -.. nice.... ..... ok nvm skip the nice part. He is also a good friend, good advisor, good DOTA player. << he forced me to say LOL. rofl. aiya sian.
maybe pork?
Friday, August 25, 2006
hais despite me saying that i wun update. i WILL UPDATE LOL.. dam sian today la.
first i arrive in school, sian also.. then we went back to class.. first two period is geography. then it is the same old laptop and the same old kind of slides. = =.... zZZZzzz..
then p.e lol. my toe tio sprain. "someone caused me to zam the wall, making me howl in pain. resulting in this stupid injury." u know who u r hor. SK? bitch face -_- lol
then went to play soccer. then went dnt. make a lantern rofl. then i draw a egg on lotus then very funny la. then finally decided on making an egg. so we have the frame ready yay.
then after dnt is maths. WE GOT BACK OUR PAPER I GOT LIKE 28?! ONLI? WTF. over 45
sian la...
dots.. m.t then english. siann..
after that got the what talk. its like so UBER BORING? until the last part where the interesting topics started to flow in. lol i actually slept= =...
aiya so sian dun want blog long post. end of todays experience in school..
Thursday, August 24, 2006
LOL LOL. i suddenly feel like laughing - -... LOL LOL LOLOLOLOL. ... okok i shall stop it.
lol today dam funny la. a tennis ball got rainbowed by xinzhi over the desk lol then so many tennis ball actions by the AA. then during the it lesson. go to the comp lab. duno can do what lol 10.30 then must go le, but we go in first u chase us out aint we a NANHUA family. wtf lol. give n take mah.. then english lesson.. dunno what happen i suddenly sleep. sleep sleep sleep cause THE LESSON SO SO SO. BORING.. maths even more interesting lo. infact MOST interesting.//!!111//.,,,
one brownie a day keeps the hunger away.
lols its true. i ate one brownie damn nice this morning. then for the rest of the day i buy the food, eat liao DAM FULL LA. you can eat muffin too, no problem also =DD.
you wont know what happen on chinese lesson lo. we were like "na bei" why the bei is the 4th sound one. then the "kao bei" is the third. then we keep kao bei and na bei in front of teacher then posh say kao bei^ while the class is silent... then the teacher say ""rui yong..." LOL. scold bad words hor. tsk tsk tsk. LOL. i started it then i go say them lol.
hais. sian la. then today xinzhi birthday LOL. get him a gundam. SMALL n CUTE one hor =DD?
since im feeling uber bored. im giving u 3 manga pages. LOL. see the introduction then be fascinated.

introduction to the manga =D

now, the mana tree =D

the adventure begins..

the new hero...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
lol.. today we finish the maths, then we keep gettin back our papers..
geography- failed. told my mum le. gonna get a beating soon...
history- hmm. fairly good. 13..
physics LOL. A2!111 17 1/2 over 25 =DDDDDD
hmm.. SIAN LA I DID SO BADLY. then eoy so fast..
sian. i show u bleach manga !!!1111.. =DD
lol. taken from my collection of bleach manga ^^


kk end of todays.. so sian.. so sian... SO SIANN >:D
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
wu ge jaja wu ge jaja .. LOL. ahh another boring day. today is da chimistry/physics paper. dam dam dam dam hard la. for me la. = =... sian. so difficult i look at first question. whats the s.i unit for electric power.. w? kw? kwh? joules? ................................... guessed. FIRST QUESTION ONLY LE WTF - . - // sian.. then keep spamming msn. then dota. got owned O_O. badly.. quit dota suan le =D.
lol. then tmr is maths muahaha. jiayou for everyone. = = how to multiply matrix LOL. row x column o_O.. lols.
sian dots la liao lei luh lolss diao lubbs lurbbe labbes nehs nia kaox niao.
for ppl who dont know how to multiply matrix. heres a pictorial tutorial. figure out urself lol.

can see? i know abit blur la. bear with it lol.
giraffe.. pie.. shoved =X shepherd pie = =.. nvm. chicken. duck. char siew. mee pok. bak chuo mee. nabei why all food come out. SIAN LA. I NEED MATHS TUTORING. THEN CAN SLEEP. SO TIRED RAWR. then shao an want me to link people. muahaha. i shall link!111.
thats cute. XD
end of todays report on weijie's life.
Monday, August 21, 2006
wa lao eh.. siao la. ms sathi announce that the highest is 16. 16/20 OMGWTFBBQ!111..,,,// sian.. sure fail one lo. - -!! today dam bored la, the chinese paper is like. Lifting at every single question. i finish the paper aaron still rushing the last 2 question then the ms wong say collect then aaron still writing answer. sad for him la. lolss..
then so sian la. went to eat mac after that then got 2 bloody red chilli stain on my uniform omfg1.1 - -... lol science so hard to pia. now the results of my common test is way down to shit..
Geography - Mdm Poon said i fail.
History - maybe fail? not sure but pass also not so good one.
Chinese - depend on my luck la. the comprehension just lifting only one lo.
then tmr got science test. chemistry? WTF I DONT GET IT AT ALL. got kind soul call me then teach me can? any kind soul = =!! then sian la.
y0OSZZZ, 1f y0u c4n r348 d15 u r d4mm pr0Oz!234 y0zz13s! 1m94 d4 k1n9zzss o__o
bloody hell sian liao la, go home also nothing to do..
rofl. chicken war towards chaos knight. (leon)
end of today's rant. sign off good luck.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Man.. you gonna be kidding me. Since 1pm when i woke up. I havent done any shit yet! Let alone study(corrected by songko).. wtf! Okok. Since i was feeling uber bored today, i decided to create a blog. okok it was 5.50pm when i found out my previous account. And another 10 minutes finding blogskin, and 5 minutes editing it. Tiring.. Yo guys out there ^^ feeling happy? yea. Drink coffee also can sleep one me...
Quote from xiaxue, "Whenever we see someone different, someone succeeding, we try to strike them down, and try to force the unique back into the cookie cutter crowd."
Think about it, makes some sense after all.
There was this day, i went to yahoo "default url" saw that japan ships leaked, estimated at 450,000 gallons of oil when singapore had oil prices rising and taxi driver complaining "wa lan eh. oil price increase. food increase. studying fee increase. salary decrease. customer decrease. everything increase decrease one. so unsteady" okok i said this not taxi driver. dont sue them. I mean, its like wtf man. they spill oil we pay oil prices. nvm just some of my rants.. Japan Oil SpillEnd of todays story muahaha.